The Affirming program is both a process and recognition for ministries who strive to celebrate Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people publicly, intentionally, and explicitly. Any ministry of any kind can become Affirming! Within our Regional Council there are many such ministries, with lots of room for growth. Keep scrolling down this page for more resources, and for the latest news and Affirming opportunities.
Our key commitments
In May 2023, Living Skies Regional Council voted to become Affirming, after a three year process. As part of this commitment, we offer you this Affirming statement (video version). Click here for the text version of our Vision Statement, which represents our overall commitments. And click here for the Living Skies Affirming Action Plan (2024, PDF), which will guide how the Regional Council will live into being and becoming Affirming in its work, ministry, and structures.
Being Affirming builds on past commitments, when the former SK Conference and one of its presbyteries were Affirming. And it reflects the need to revisit and renew those commitments. Guided by a permanent committee, and by Affirming and supportive ministries, people, and partners throughout SK, the Regional Council and its members will discern how we live into the spirit and practice of being Affirming.
Committee members
As of June 2024, we moved from a task group which guided the process to a permanent Affirming committee.
Committee members (we welcome more!): Rev Sarah Giles, Rev Shelly Manley-Tannis, Allison Sarauer, Charlotte Snyder, Rev Jackie Van’t Voort, Owen Wright.
Past task group members: Rev Joy Cowan, Bob Hayes, Rev Shelly Manley-Tannis, Allison Sarauer, Yoonjoo Shin, Rev Tony Thompson, Rev Jackie Van’t Voort.
Have a look for Affirming ministries in Living Skies Regional Council: On the AUSE site; and on The United Church of Canada ministry locator (check under SK communities for both.) Many others are currently in the Affirming process. We welcome conversation and cooperation! Please get in touch with the committee through the Regional office, at
Resources and info: Affirming partners
Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble
Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble (AUSE)
AUSE private Facebook group
Affirming PIE Day (14 March annually)
Affirming Connections
Resources and info: United Church of Canada
The United Church of Canada: resources
Celebrating Gender Identity Toolkit
Resource: Moving Toward Full Inclusion-Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the United Church of Canada
Affirming news
Video on faith journeys of transgender Christians: free access for our Regional Council
Belonging in the Body asks transgender Christians to talk about their faith journey, and they do so with deep insight, grace, and love. This video is an excellent and important resource, and three...
Conversation: Breaking the Gender Binary, One Word at a Time
Join us Wednesday June 24, 5:00PM in BC, 6:00PM in AB, NWT, and SK, 7:00PM in MB and NW ON, 8:00PM in ON and QC, 9:00PM in the Maritimes, and 9:30PM in NL (for you night owls). Our formal time will...
Seven Saskatoon LGBTQIA+ affirming ministries targeted by homophobic graffiti
In the early hours of Sunday May 10 Grosvenor Park and McClure United Churches and St Andrew’s College were targeted by extensive homophobic graffiti. Members and supporters cleaned off the spray...
National webinar: A Trans Christian Faith Perspective
March 31 7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT Full information here. All welcome. Note: If you are a delegate to your Regional Council’s annual meeting/ gathering, please note that this webinar might be very...
Remit on Amendment to Basis of Union on Ministry Personnel
This year at our annual meeting in Humboldt, one item on the agenda will be a Category 1 Remit. A Remit is a vote to change some aspect of the Basis of Union ( the foundational agreement of the...