
This Committee is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the Regional Council’s responsibility to provide ongoing leadership training for lay people.


A minimum of 3 people with the Pastoral Relations Minister.

Committee Members

Member:     Sheila Ivanochko
Member:     Doreen Hewitson
Member:     Tricia Challoner
Member:     Nancy McCrea
Member:     VACANT
Pastoral Relations Minister:    Tracy Murton


  • Maintaining a list of all Congregational Designated Ministers working in the Region
  • Recommending action on licensing of Licensed Lay Worship Leaders to the Regional Council Executive
  • Providing ongoing support/ oversight of Licensed Lay Worship Leaders
  • Providing training and assessment of Sacraments Elders
  • Recommending action on licensing and re-licensing to administer the sacraments for Sacraments Elders to Pastoral Relations Minister, who is authorized by Regional Council Executive to make approvals according to policy statement
  • Supporting networks and clusters that are established related to the above work

Interviews for Licensed Lay Worship Leaders and Sacrament Elders will be under this committee.