Rainbow candles

In this worship page you’ll find the Regional Council prayer cycle, Annual Meeting worship services, Affirming Sunday liturgies, special services, links to national and other resources, and more!

Click here for the  Pulpit Supply List – July 10, 2024

– a Walter Farquharson / Richard Hall hymn addressing the invasion of Ukraine

Here are worship materials for use on March 21, 2021.
They are provided as documents that you might edit to suit your own context – include your territorial acknowledgement and other content specific to your regular worship practice.  The PowerPoint slides are a skeleton for you to insert into your own slideshow as appropriate.  Please be sure to include the various copyright acknowledgements found at the end of the liturgy.

March 21. 2021 – Worship 4 page bulletin – Word
March 21, 2021 – Worship non-bulletin format – Word
March 21, 2021 – Sermon Lent 5 – Word
March 21, 2021 – Sermon Lent 5 – pdf
March 21, 2021 – Time with children – Word
March 21, 2021 – Time with children – pdf
March 21, 2021 Worship Slides – PowerPoint


As recommended by Living Skies colleagues in ministry:

United Church of Canada collection (organized by theme and highlighted Seasons)

Minute for Mission collection and related Full stewardship/ Mission and Service worship resources

Gathering magazine for worship and music leaders

Practical Resources for Churches (www.prcli.org): library of recorded webinars, workshops & resources for Creative Worship, Faith Study, Spiritual Practice, Mission & Social Justice, Growth & Renewal, Music Ministry, Children & Family, Youth & Young Adult, etc.

Clergy Stuff

Prayer Bench

Singing from the Lectionary

The Text This Week

Together We Worship

United in Worship

Working Preacher

Worship Ways (from our full communion partner, the United Church of Christ in the US)

Streaming & Online-Worship Resources

Online Worship Software & Resources (pdf): recommendations provided by some of Living Skies’ tech gurus as part of their Practically Prophetic Webinar (April 2021)

Living Skies YouTube Channel: Includes How-To Videos for live-streaming and links to Community of Faith YouTube Channels

Facebook Group – Canadian Churches that Live-stream: This group is coordinated by a UCC techie to provide a venue for discussion, questions, and suggestions for Canadian communities of faith who are live-streaming their worship services and special events (or want to!)

Hosting Zoom Online Meetings & Worship
ZoomZoomZoom-the basics (pdf)
Super Easy Guide to Zoom by Amy Lenzo (pdf)