The Affirming program is both a process and recognition for ministries who strive to celebrate Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people publicly, intentionally, and explicitly. Any ministry of any kind can become Affirming! Within our Regional Council there are many such ministries, with lots of room for growth. Keep scrolling down this page for more resources, and for the latest news and Affirming opportunities.
Our key commitments

Photos from our Regional Affirming celebration, 1 June 2024. Thank you to all the beautiful people who made this service of worship and praise a sacred time.
In May 2023, Living Skies Regional Council voted to become Affirming, after a three year process. As part of this commitment, we offer you this Affirming statement (video version). Click here for the text version of our Vision Statement, which represents our overall commitments. And click here for the Living Skies Affirming Action Plan (2024, PDF), which will guide how the Regional Council will live into being and becoming Affirming in its work, ministry, and structures.
Being Affirming builds on past commitments, when the former SK Conference and one of its presbyteries were Affirming. And it reflects the need to revisit and renew those commitments. Guided by a permanent committee, and by Affirming and supportive ministries, people, and partners throughout SK, the Regional Council and its members will discern how we live into the spirit and practice of being Affirming.
Committee members
As of June 2024, we moved from a task group which guided the process to a permanent Affirming committee.
Committee members (we welcome more!): Rev Sarah Giles, Rev Shelly Manley-Tannis, Allison Sarauer, Charlotte Snyder, Rev Jackie Van’t Voort, Owen Wright.
Past task group members: Rev Joy Cowan, Bob Hayes, Rev Shelly Manley-Tannis, Allison Sarauer, Yoonjoo Shin, Rev Tony Thompson, Rev Jackie Van’t Voort.
Have a look for Affirming ministries in Living Skies Regional Council: On the AUSE site; and on The United Church of Canada ministry locator (check under SK communities for both.) Many others are currently in the Affirming process. We welcome conversation and cooperation! Please get in touch with the committee through the Regional office, at
Resources and info: Affirming partners
Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble
Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble (AUSE)
AUSE private Facebook group
Affirming PIE Day (14 March annually)
Affirming Connections
Resources and info: United Church of Canada
The United Church of Canada: resources
Celebrating Gender Identity Toolkit
Resource: Moving Toward Full Inclusion-Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the United Church of Canada
Affirming news

Back by popular demand – You Are Loved t shirts and bunny hugs!
The Living Skies Regional Council Affirming Team is again offering You Are Loved t-shirts and hoodies (ok ok, bunny hugs) for purchase! In the photo you see the Westminster United Church Affirming...

September 20 transphobic marches and our responses
The “hands off our kids” transphobic and homophobic marches marches we dealt with last September are making a comeback Friday September 20, 2024. Their locations can be viewed here, and if anyone in...

Pride event and resources
June is a busy month for Pride events of all kinds! June is also Indigenous History Month, so whenever you have the chance, make sure you learn from and about Two Spirit and Indigiqueer people, and...

Three invitations to the whole Region
Our Regional Council meeting is coming up June 13-15, and it wouldn’t be a United Church meeting if we didn’t try to do ALL THE THINGS in one go. There are two worship services and one day-long...

Living Skies You Are Loved t shirts and bunny hugs!
This year the Affirming Task Group is again offering You Are Loved t-shirts and hoodies (ok ok, bunny hugs), in support of the Living Skies Regional Council Affirming celebration. In the photo you...

Living Skies Affirming vision statement
Approved May 2023 Living Skies Regional Council recognizes the diversity of God’s creation and encourages the full participation of all people in our ministries. The complete spectrum of human...

You’re invited: Living Skies Justice Team Open House
Tuesday February 20, 10:00AM-11:30AM the new Living Skies Justice Team invites you to come and share your social and ecological justice work and interests! They're starting the work of re-engaging...

Hate mail being sent to Affirming ministries
Transphobic and homophobic hate mail from the US is again being sent to United Church Affirming ministries. The package contains messages and a USB key, and often has a Customs declaration that it...

Statement on Parental Inclusion and Consent Policies for Saskatchewan Schools
Parental Inclusion and Consent Policies for Saskatchewan Schools Statement from Living Skies Regional Council of The United Church of Canada Living Skies Regional Council, the United Church of...

Regional letter and resource on Pride vigilance and courage
A Pride season letter has been sent to all ministries in Northern Spirit, Living Skies, and Prairie to Pine Regional Councils. In light of vandalism, and angry words sent to2SLGBTQIA+ Affirming...