A rainbow spectrum appearing on the palm of a hand.Offer Your Talents

The United Church runs on volunteers – or, as we like to call it, a call to minister. Offering time and skills is one expression of being Jesus’ hands and feet in the world. And you don’t need to be a formal member of the United Church, except in a very few cases. New people, gifts, and perspectives are always welcome.

The church relies on its members offering those time and skills in all parts of the church and the communities of which we’re a part. Opportunities are everywhere in your community of faith, the Regional Council and its work, the national church, and the community – including care for the wider world, God’s creation.

Sharing your skills with Living Skies Regional Council

Opportunities to offer your time, skills, and gifts to many different aspects of the Regional Council will be posted  on the Nominations page. Have a look at that page’s newsfeed for the latest opportunities. And general inquiries about possibilities are always welcome. Our Nominations Committee can be contacted at  livingskies@united-church.ca .