Regional Governance

Living Skies Executive

The policies and guidelines for the work of the Living Skies Regional Council Executive.

The ManualThe Manual of The United Church of Canada, 2019 edition, effective January 2, 2019

Living Skies Regional Council Structure Handbook (Nov 20)20the current governance of the work of Living Skies Regional Council


Property Commission

Policies and guidelines for the work of the Property Commission in Living Skies Regional Council.

Property Fund Policy – covers the funds generated by the sale of property, and for use on property, under the control of the regional council.

Property Policies & Processes – updated June 2024 the responsibilities of the regional council in dealing with property matters.

Property Handbook – Updated November 2023 – provides information on many aspects of church properties to volunteers working with them.

Bequest Policy – a policy regarding the dispersal of funds received through Bequests.

Pastoral Relations

Pastoral Relations Governance – the current governance for the work of Living Skies Pastoral Relations

Registration to Marry Policy – the policy for issuing a license to preside at weddings in Living Skies Regional Council
Registration to Marry Form – the form to request to be registered to conduct a wedding

Please contact Bev Diebert for more information

Pastoral Relations Commission

Pulpit Supply Policy – April 2023 – ​The policies and guidelines for the work of the Pastoral Relations Commission in Living Skies Regional Council.

Appointment policy – ​guideline regarding a distinction between supply appointments and appointments

Confidentiality Policy – guidelines regarding maintaining confidentiality in the work of Pastoral Relations

Conflict of Interest Policy (March 2019) – guidance to members of decision-making bodies of The United Church of Canada

Conflict Resolution Facilitation Process – guidelines regarding the appointment of Conflict Resolution Facilitators in Living Skies Regional Council

Part-Time Ministry Guide – guidelines for Communities of Faith to consider when contemplating part-time ministry

Pastoral Charge Supervisor Guidelines  – outlines the responsibilities and expectations of Pastoral Charge Supervisors in Living Skies Regional Council

Pulpit Supply Policy – guidance for the use of Pulpit Supply

Streams of Ministry Policy – guidance to develop Ministry Profiles for Communities of Faith in Living Skies Regional Council

Voluntary Associate Minister Policy – guidelines for the ongoing participation of retired ministry personnel in Living Skies Regional Council

National Pastoral Relations handbooks –
links to the Pastoral Relations handbooks/guidelines from the General Council Office including:

Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for a Community of Faith Profile (April 2020)

Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for Search and Selection (April 2020)

Pastoral Relations: Ministry Personnel (December 2019)

2024 Salary Schedule – guidelines for salaries and allowances for ministry personnel for The United Church of Canada

Committee on Lay Leadership Support

Process for posting and accessing community of faith profiles.

Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Policy– revised policy for the licensing and accountability of Licensed Lay Worship Leaders in Living Skies Regional Council

Licensed Lay Worship Leaders (June 2019)link for the policies and procedures for Licensed Lay Worship Leaders for The United Church of Canada

LSRC Sacraments Licensing Policy (Feb 2020) policy for licensing of candidates, Diaconal Ministers, Designated Lay Ministers, and retired Diaconal and Designated Lay Ministers

Ministry of Music (April 2021) – guidelines for Musicians, Communities of Faith and Committees

Pulpit Supply Policy – guidance for the use of Pulpit Supply

Sacraments Elders Policy – revised policy for the licensing and accountability of Sacraments Elders in Living Skies Regional Council

Sacraments Elders (January 2020) – link for the policies and procedures for Sacraments Elders for The United Church of Canada


Committee on Community of Faith Support

The policies and guidelines for the work of the Committee on Community of Faith Support.

Annual Report Checklistguidelines for committee members for the review of Annual Reports

LSRC Annual Reports best practices – best practices for a complete and easy to read Annual Report

Conflict Resolution Process  – guidelines regarding the appointment of Conflict Resolution Facilitators in Living Skies Regional Council

Preparing the Covenant – LSRC guidelines for the preparation of the Community of Faith covenant with Living Skies Regional Council
Preparing the Covenant – Background – theological and Manual background for the preparation of the Community of Faith covenant with Living Skies Regional Council
LSRC Sample Covenant sample covenant between Living Skies Regional Council and Communities of Faith

Ministry of Music (April 2021) – guidelines for Musicians, Communities of Faith and Committees

Part-time Ministry Guidelines – guidelines for Communities of Faith to consider when contemplating part-time ministry

Pastoral Charge Supervisor Guidelines – outlines the responsibilities and expectations of Pastoral Charge Supervisors in Living Skies Regional Council

Property Handbook – May 2020 – the current handbook for dealing with Property matters for Living Skies Regional Council

Pulpit Supply Policy – guidance for the use of Pulpit Supply


Ministry and Personnel Committees – links to the policies and best practices for the work of Ministry and Personnel Committees including:

M&P Committee: Policy, Procedures, Practices (January 2019)

M&P Committee: Resources for Ministry and Personnel Committees (January 2019)

Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for a Community of Faith Profile (April 2020)

Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for Search and Selection (April 2020)

Pastoral Relations: Ministry Personnel (December 2019)

Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith (April 2020)

Pastoral Relations: Supporting the Pastoral Relationship (November 2020)

Models of Board Governance – tools from the General Council Office on different models of governance for communities of faith

Restorative Care Plan Roadmapinformation from the United Church of Canada Restorative Care Plan for when ministry personnel/ lay employees request a medical leave

United Fresh Start – Modules & Facilitators resources available for Communities of Faith and the list of the trained facilitators in Living Skies Regional Council

Committee on Ministry Personnel Support

Guidelines regarding conflict of interest for members of any governing body.

2024 Salary Schedule – guidelines for salaries and allowances for ministry personnel for The United Church of Canada

Best Practices for Retirement – best practices as ministry personnel consider retirement

LSRC Sacraments Licensing Policy (Feb 2020) policy for licensing of candidates, Diaconal Ministers, Designated Lay Ministers, and retired Diaconal and Designated Lay Ministers

Pastoral Charge Supervisor Guidelines – outlines the responsibilities and expectations of Pastoral Charge Supervisors in Living Skies Regional Council

Pulpit Supply Policy – guidance for the use of Pulpit Supply

Voluntary Associate Minister Policy – guidelines for the ongoing participation of retired ministry personnel in Living Skies Regional Council

National Pastoral Relations (PR) handbooks –
link to the Pastoral Relations handbooks from the General Council Office including best practices for ministry personnel

M&P Committee: Policy, Procedures, Practices (January 2019)

M&P Committee: Resources for Ministry and Personnel Committees (January 2019)

Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for a Community of Faith Profile (April 2020)

Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for Search and Selection (April 2020)

Pastoral Relations: Ministry Personnel (December 2019)

Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith (April 2020)

Pastoral Relations: Supporting the Pastoral Relationship (November 2020)