March 31  7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT

Full information here. All welcome. Note: If you are a delegate to your Regional Council’s annual meeting/ gathering, please note that this webinar might be very helpful background to Remit 1, which will be voted on at the meeting.

Join this 90-minute webinar where five trans and non-binary people will share a little of their personal stories, and how their Christian faith has made a difference along the way. Hear about how they understand their gender identity, and why the church has been an important part of their lives.

Consider how these stories might impact your congregation, leadership, or ministry. How they might encourage deeper reflection of your own place within the remarkable diversity that God has created.

In the course of the 90-minute webinar you will:

  • Understand basic terms and definitions
  • Deepen your faith and ministry by listening to trans and non-binary people of faith
  • Hear why faith matters to trans and non-binary people and how they bear witness to their faith
  • Learn what trans and non-binary people need from communities of faith in order to feel fully affirmed, supported, and respected
  • Learn about concrete resources that help you go deeper

* trans refers to a person who has a gender identity that is different from the gender they were assigned at birth, and/or expresses their gender in ways that differ from societal expectations. non-binary is an umbrella term used to describe a number of gender identities: people who do not identify as a man or a woman, may feel like a combination of man and woman, who have a sense of their gender being beyond the categories of man and woman entirely, or who do not identify with any gender at all.