When it comes to ministry with youth & children using online platforms, there are some unique but essential considerations for Duty of Care. This linked article provides some very insightful...

When it comes to ministry with youth & children using online platforms, there are some unique but essential considerations for Duty of Care. This linked article provides some very insightful...
As we begin to discuss opening our buildings to various gatherings and needs, we know that complex discernment and planning that will be necessary before any doors can be opened. Lay leadership and...
Soon after the release of the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan, faith leaders from across Saskatchewan gathered online to discuss the re-opening of places of worship. We drafted a letter asking the Saskatchewan government to work together with faith communities to develop responsible guidelines bringing places of worship within the Re-Open Saskatchewan plan.
(PDF version of this letter.) Greetings friends in Christ, As I watch the days of May pass by and begin to think of summer plans, I am very aware of the Regional Council gatherings that would have...
PDF version of this letter Warm greetings to you all, As I write this letter I am enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather on my balcony, one of the privileges of working from home. Yet, I am very...
PDF version of this letter Greetings to Communities of Faith and Ministry Personnel in Living Skies, Northern Spirit, and Prairie to Pine Regional Councils, We are writing at this time to say thank...
Deep thanks to chaplains Lorna King (Regina- South Chaplaincy) and Cathy Coates (Saskatoon- North Chaplaincy) for their vital ministry, not only to the United Church and its members, but to the...
Printable pdf Living Skies News: Pastoral Relations Ponderings #13; Stewardship Information; Summer Camp Information; COVID-19 updates; Live streaming UC Worship services; MP Re-appointments; SK...
Download: Regional Rambler - March 4, 2020 1. Living Skies News: YAYAC Newsletter– Mar 4/20; Calling all educational supervisors - cancelled; Introductory Boundaries and Refresher in person? -...
This year at our annual meeting in Humboldt, one item on the agenda will be a Category 1 Remit. A Remit is a vote to change some aspect of the Basis of Union ( the foundational agreement of the...