Living Skies Youth at Regional Council
All the United Churches in Saskatchewan are gathering to connect with each other, discuss current issues, and make decisions about the future of the church… and the youth will be a part of it! Come and join us for 4 days in Prince Albert for an awesome time to learn about how the church works, get to know youth from other parts of the province, and reconnect with friends you’ve already met. We’ll be spending time as part of the conference and then also breaking off into our own youth-only time, including a trip to beautiful Camp Christopher on Saturday afternoon, sleepovers and games at Calvary United Church every night, and attending the Heart of the Youth Powwow on Friday.
We can’t wait to see you there!
May 25-28 at Calvary United Church, Prince Albert
Grades 7-12
To Register:
For more information:
Questions? Contact Josie at or Lindsay at