Put your passion into action!!! 

Where is God calling you to share your gifts with the wider church for the sake of Christ’s ministry in Saskatchewan??

We are currently looking for people to serve in the available options listed below. We invite you to consider whether you might feel called to any of this work within the wider church.  We also invite you to consider whether you might know others who would be a good fit for one of these roles, and encourage you to share this information with them.  Please feel free to post the updated Current Committee Opportunities in your community of faith for others to see!!!

With one exception, all terms are for 3-years and can be renewed once (for a 6-year total).

If you are interested in further information about any of these opportunities, you are welcome to click on the bright blue title to connect to the committee’s webpage or, contact the Nominations Committee any time through livingskies@united-church.ca .

If you would like to put your name forward for consideration for one of these roles, please use the Regional website for the Nominations form (expression of interest).

Now, what is available???


The Regional Council Executive 
Are you passionate about good governance grounded in deep spirituality?
Do you like working with others to clarify direction and set priorities?
Do you enjoy rolling up your sleeves and getting things done?
You sound like a real leader… you’re going to thrive on the Executive!
The Regional Council Executive implements decisions and deals with unfinished business from the Regional Council Gathering. They set the budget for the Regional Council, oversee the work of committees and task groups, and receive regular reports from commissions. This group has their finger on the pulse of the Region and ensures it remains strong and true.

Convenor of the Regional Gatheringdetails on page 2 of the Structure Handbook (link)
Do you enjoy chairing meetings, holding space for difficult conversations?
Are you passionate about making sure all voices are heard in decision-making?
Would you value the opportunity to represent the church at various functions?
If so, serving as the Regional Convenor may feed your soul as you serve the church in this essential role. The Regional Convenor presides at the Regional Gathering and represents the Region at events and ceremonies throughout Living Skies. This person works with the Regional Gathering Planning Committee, and is a corresponding member of the Living Skies Regional Council Executive. One person in a 1- year term.

The Regional Gathering Planning Committee
Do you enjoy planning, organizing, and coordinating people and activities?
Do you prefer to work behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly?
Can you see the ‘big picture’ and figure out the steps to get there?
Then you will love working with the Regional Meeting Planning Committee!
This committee plans all aspects of the Regional Council meeting including local arrangements, registration, budget, guests, communications, theme, music, recognition of retirees, and worship, including the Service of Praise.  You don’t have to do it all yourselves, but you make sure it all gets done.

The Property Commission
Do you have a passion for helping churches make faithful decisions about property?
Are you detail-oriented and appreciate the value of a good policy?
Is your schedule flexible enough to accommodate urgent, last-minute meetings?
You can make a real difference on the Property Commission. This Commission oversees and makes decisions on various property-related matters in our Region – from supporting communities of faith looking to repurpose their buildings, to overseeing the maintenance of church cemeteries, to stewarding funds generated from property sales. This Commission typically meets electronically or by telephone, and sometimes needs to meet on short notice. Working with this Commission means you will get to know the buildings and land across the Region; you may even get to tour around.

The Nominations Committee
Do you delight in connecting people with opportunities that will feed their spirits?
Do you want to help strengthen regional bodies for the sake of our common good?
Are you a ‘people person’ who enjoys making phone calls and chatting with folks?
The Nominations Committee has a spot with your name on it!
On Nominations, you will get to know the people of the Region and help match their gifts and passions with opportunities to serve the wider church. This committee gathers a slate of nominations for the officers of the Regional Council and its executive, commissions, committees, task groups, steering committees, and teams. It also provides nominations for unexpected vacancies or new positions which occur during the year. Only join this committee if you like to have fun and laugh a lot.
This committee gathers a slate of nominations for the officers of the Regional Council and its executive, commissions, committees, task groups, steering committees, or teams.  It also provides nominations for unexpected vacancies or new positions which occur during the year.

 The Grants Committee
Are you passionate about supporting creative, new and faith-filled ministry?
Do you value the work of the Church beyond the walls of church buildings?
Do you enjoy analyzing information, prioritizing, discerning, and making decisions?
If so, you could find fulfilment on the Grants Committee. This committee receives and reviews applications for Mission Support grants and regional grants and makes recommendations to the Living Skies Regional Council Executive regarding funding of these applications.

Pastoral Relations Commission
Do you like to make decisions that will have a concrete and positive impact?
Are you good at understanding policies and applying them to real-life situations?
Do you enjoy the challenge of finding good solutions to complex issues?
Then the Pastoral Relations Commission is for you! This Commission reviews and makes important decisions about all of the work associated with pastoral relationships, including ministry profiles and calls and appointments of ministry personnel, candidates and pastoral charge supervisors. As part of this team, you will assist communities of faith and ministers going through times of transition, conflict, and redevelopment. You will also support the work of Regional Council Liaisons as they accompany communities of faith through times of change. 

The Committee on Community of Faith Support
Do you have a passion to see strong, healthy communities of faith across the region?
Would you like to connect ministries with the resources that will help them thrive?
Do you value church processes and policies for how they can support communities?
This committee is at the forefront of supporting communities of faith in their life and work. They receive and respond to self-assessment reports from ministries and connect them with the people and resources that can help them thrive in their current context (e.g. United Fresh Start Facilitators, Growth Animators, Stewardship Specialists, handbooks and guideline documents, etc.). Committee members support communities of faith in structural changes, amalgamations, realignments, and disbanding; and recommend appropriate actions to the Executive. They provide encouragement and support to emerging new ministries and oversee the preparation of Community of Faith Covenants. This committee ensures accountability for communities of faith in completing regional and national church requirements and compliance with policies and polity. Those with experience of pastoral oversight processes or sexual misconduct prevention and response will find particular resonance on this committee.

The Committee on Lay Leadership Support
Are you committed to strong and equipped lay leadership within the church?
Do you enjoy supporting people to develop and use their gifts to the fullest?
Are you a good listener and able to offer helpful and constructive feedback?
You’re a perfect fit for the Committee on Lay Leadership Support. This committee, offers ongoing oversight, support and leadership training for lay leaders serving the church. They interview Licensed Lay Worship Leaders and make recommendations to the Executive, as well as maintaining the Region’s list of Congregational Designated Ministers. This committee also provides training and assessment of Sacraments Elders and recommendations for their ongoing authorization.

The Committee on Ministry Personnel Leadership Support
Are you a deeply pastoral person who loves to help others find their joy?
Do you like preparing and leading retreats and personal development activities?
Are you passionate about the need for strong, healthy ministry personnel?
Find your joy as you encourage and support ministry personnel toward health, joy and excellence in ministry practice. This committee offers pastoral support to retired ministers, and to ministry personnel and families experiencing loss and hardship. They also initiate programming to enhance the health, welfare and performance of those in active ministry. Your compassionate heart and program facilitation skills come together on this committee to ensure the well-being of our ministry personnel.

**Pastoral Relations liaisonsusually short-term appointments
Would you like to support communities of faith during times of transition?
Do you enjoy helping folks understand church policies and how to apply them?
Are you looking for opportunities to share your gifts for short-term commitments?
You sound like a great fit as a Pastoral Relations Liaison!
Pastoral Relations Liaisons provide a bridge between communities of faith and the Regional Council. As a Liaison, you would touch base with a community of faith or ministry person in times such as discussions about the pastoral relationship, changes in pastoral relations, creating a community of faith profile, or throughout the search process. Support for Liaisons is provided by the Pastoral Relations Minister and the Pastoral Relations Commission.

General Council Commissioner
Are selected for their wisdom and understanding of the church.
Commissioners prepare diligently by reviewing the information supplied to participate fully in the online and in-person sessions of General Council.  They will serve for three years, starting from the convening of General Council in June 2025 until the beginning of the next General Council (2028).  Being a Commissioner is a significant commitment of both time and energy.  For most people, this commitment is also enriching and faith-deepening. Click here for the job description!

Justice Team
Are you concerned about struggles for social justice and wellbeing for all God’s creation?
Do you want to hear stories about these, and then help engage the people of the Regional Council, and our community partners, in prayerful action?
Do you want to hold space for diverse groups to connect their justice concerns with each other?
Do you want to help the Region develop good policies and engagement on these joys and struggles?
Then the Justice Team is for you! This group is responsible for connecting groups in Living Skies who work on a wide range of concerns, and it also connects the people of the Regional Council to United Church and ecumenical or interfaith commitments to justice. Meeting monthly by Zoom, it also holds open houses to help people connect with each other stay up to date. It will also be reviewing our Regional policies and commitments. If you’ve got the passion for justice, this Team is all about that.

Affirming Committee
Do you think Two Spirit and LGBTQIA people are a vital part of our church?
Do you want to faithfully challenge beliefs and theologies that exclude 2SLGBTQIA people?
Do you like PIE (Public, Intentional and Explicit) and want to help all our ministries work towards a PIE Affirming welcome?
Do you want to blend practical justice with a faithful commitment to many kinds of diversity?
Look no further! The Affirming Committee is responsible for putting our new Affirming Statement and Action Plan into action, all across the Regional Council and in its structures. Typically the committee meets monthly on Zoom, and hopes to meet yearly in person. It also holds online space and occasional in-person meetings that gather the wider Affirming network of people and ministries all over SK, and connect with other Regions, the national church, Affirm United/ S’affirmer, and community partners and needs.  With the Regional Affirming celebration coming up, we launch into new work and would love for you to be part of it.  Read more about their work here.