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Events at this venue

A Breathtaking Path to Whole HeARTed Living: Art as a Spiritual Practice


Come explore the diverse nature of spirituality that connects us with our soul, and helps us discover ways to breath in life with courage and vigor.  In this retreat we will discover our place in the universe through a mandala meditation, the power of our breath as prayer, and delve into the realms of our […]

Ministry Personnel Gatherings


Ministry Personnel are warmly invited to attend any or all gatherings. Join Zoom Meeting: https://united-church.zoom.us/j/97027021739?pwd=WXMvQXdsMmlTRGRnT1dwVTRHSE5iUT09 

Ministry Personnel Gatherings


Ministry Personnel are warmly invited to attend any or all gatherings. Join Zoom Meeting: https://united-church.zoom.us/j/97027021739 

Ministry Personnel Gatherings


Ministry Personnel are warmly invited to attend any or all gatherings. Today's topic - St. Andrew’s College updates – we will be joined by Katelyn at the library and Shawn at the recruitment desk beginning at 1:30. Join Zoom Meeting https://united-church.zoom.us/j/97402570199?pwd=U0tybFVWOXNYbTFObXBhMDg4YUE5UT09

Ministry Personnel Gatherings


Ministry Personnel are warmly invited to attend any or all gatherings; Join Zoom Meeting https://united-church.zoom.us/j/97402570199?pwd=U0tybFVWOXNYbTFObXBhMDg4YUE5UT09 Today we will be discussing ideas for Lent.