Heather Driedger, Executive Director of Parkland Restorative Justice, a Living Skies partner, writes:

“I’ve spent the last few days going over various anti-racism materials being passed around online. Included in these materials are suggestions for books, movies, and podcasts to educate people on the experience of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour. These stories highlight inequality, violence, and the history of oppression that these individuals face. Beyond education, these resources also give concrete ideas for how to advocate for the freedom of the oppressed.

As many of you know our prison system is disproportionately filled with people of colour, specifically Indigenous peoples here in Saskatchewan. These numbers are directly linked to Canada’s history of oppression against Indigenous peoples. We have a lot of work to do as a country, especially those of us who are not of colour, to dismantle systems of oppression in all areas of our society. It can be uncomfortable work, hard work, and overwhelming at times. But, these resources are one place to start – for the lives of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour depend on it.

Here are the resources, please share widely and send more my way:

Anti-Racism Resource Document: in this document you will find suggestions for books, movies, and articles that shed light on people of colour’s experience in North America. These resources are great educational tools for any person not of colour, and for any parent talking to their children about racism.
Click here to view.

Indigenous Ally Tool Kit created by Montreal Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network.
Click here to download.

Opportunities for White People in the Fight for Racial Justice Chart: here’s a great list of concrete actions people can take in different areas of their lives. Click here to view.

nipawistamasowin: We will Stand Up Documentary a must see for all Canadians (especially folks in Saskatchewan)! This documentary directed by Tasha Hubbard follows the trial for Colten Bushie as the family seeks justice. Stream for free on CBC GEM. Click here to view.

Resource List for anti racism books, group studies, worship services, etc compiled by Common Word Bookstore (Mennonite Church Canada) Click here to view.