Congratulations to our friends at First United Swift Current for a local story featuring their thorough and creative Affirming process! Knowing that the journey to this point has already sent a message of welcome to the wider community is a true reflection of God’s Good News of all-embracing love. And much of the final stages of the Affirming process took place during COVID.

Reporter Hayden Michael at Swift Current online notes, A group of people, bundled against the cold and wearing surgical masks, stand on the church steps next to a large Affirm United logo.“The official process of becoming an affirmed group is one important part of the process, but (Affirming Committee chair) Stacie Noble-Wiebe stressed how it is more than documents and titles.

“It’s also about education around oppression and marginalization,” expanded Noble-Wiebe. “Increasing our awareness and understanding, so that we can authentically be a safe and welcoming place for people of any background across social groups especially people who are from groups that have been marginalized in our society.”

… People have called this change a welcome one. Families who have friends and relatives who felt ostracized by the church can now confidently invite their loved ones to a safe place to join in their common beliefs.

“It has been supported by the overwhelming majority of the congregation and obviously by council,” shared Taylor. “So it will affect our direction in that we will be continuing to offer education on awareness around oppression and marginalization, social justice and actions to match that as well.”

First United Church is really embracing one of the oldest philosophies found in the Good Book:  Treat others as you wish to be treated.”

Click here for the full story.