Celebrate with Reverend David Mugadzi and Preeceville-Sturgis Pastoral Charge as together they create a new Covenant of Ministry! Rejoice, Worship, Praise, ...... and then eat!
Ministry Personnel are warmly invited to join colleagues over Zoom for conversation, support and information sharing. Join the Zoom meeting at: https://united-church.zoom.us/j/84885280229?pwd=K1RUenY4NU1vZFh3OXorTHdvMjFJUT09
Let’s start the fall with a refresher on the role and responsibilities of this important committee (the Ministry & Personnel Committee). Tracy Murton, Pastoral Relations Minister, will be offering an online training session on Wednesday, September 20 at 7pm for new folks that will also be a reminder for returning members. Please email Bev Diebert […]