ZEEBU 2021 - hosted by Prairie to Pine Region (aka Manitoba) FREE ONLINE EVENT IN 2 PARTS Friday, February 12th – 7 pm to 9 pm Saturday, February 13th – 9:30 am to 12 noon THEME: ALL OUR RELATIONS...
ZEEBU 2021 - hosted by Prairie to Pine Region (aka Manitoba) FREE ONLINE EVENT IN 2 PARTS Friday, February 12th – 7 pm to 9 pm Saturday, February 13th – 9:30 am to 12 noon THEME: ALL OUR RELATIONS...
The STU Library at St. Andrew's College, in partnership with Library Services for Saskatchewan Aboriginal Peoples (LSSAP) is hosting an Aboriginal Storytelling event. Thursday, February 11, 2021 1-2...
United in Learning is hosting six webinars through the Lenten season, based on our new Lenten devotional, "Faith on the Move." We invite you to explore the book so you can connect with others...
What does your faith say about the climate crisis? How are you coping with and responding to this crisis as a young person of faith? Young People of Faith and the Climate Crisis—A Conversation...
"SO THAT OUR JOY MAY BE COMPLETE": AN ADVENT CONCERT CELEBRATION SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2020, 7PM https://form.jotform.com/Regions245/AdventConcertTickets Living Skies Regional Council is excited to...