LGBTQIA+ Affirming

A tipi with a rainbow feather painted on it, in front of Saskatoon's Bessborough hotel

OUT Saskatoon’s Two Spirit tipi at Saskatoon Pride 2017.

The Affirming program is both a process and recognition for ministries who strive to celebrate Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+  people publicly, intentionally, and explicitly. Any ministry of any kind can become Affirming! Within our Regional Council there are many such ministries, with lots of room for growth. Keep scrolling down this page for more resources, and for the latest news and Affirming opportunities.

In May 2023, Living Skies Regional Council voted to become Affirming, after a three year process.As part of this commitment, we offer you this Affirming statement (video version).

This builds on past commitments, when the former SK Conference and one of its presbyteries were Affirming. And it reflects the need to revisit and renew those commitments. Guided by a permanent committee, and by Affirming and supportive ministries, people, and partners throughout SK, the Regional Council and its members will discern how we live into the spirit and practice of being Affirming. 

Have a look for Affirming ministries in Living Skies Regional Council: On the AUSE site; and on the United Church of Canada ministry locator (check under SK communities for both.) Many others are currently in the Affirming process. We welcome conversation and cooperation! Please get in touch with the committee through the Regional office, at 

Resources and info: Affirming partners

Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble

Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble (AUSE)
AUSE private Facebook group
Affirming PIE Day (14 March annually)
Affirming Connections

Affirming news

Regional Council Meeting 2024

The 2024 Living Skies Regional Gathering will be held 13-15 June 2024 at the Saskatoon Travelodge hotel and conference centre. Sunday June 16 our service of praise will be held at Knox United Church, Saskatoon. See all details under Governance/ Regional Gathering.

United Church News

The United Church of Canada and The Presbyterian Church in Canada are partnering to bring inspiring worship, amazing speakers, engaging workshops, and experiential activities to youth, young adults,… Read More

Far too many people have been killed in the Philippines. Show your solidarity by joining an interfaith call for peace. Read More

In her National Indigenous Peoples Day message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne reminds us that we can all take specific actions to celebrate or recognize this day and National Indigenous Peoples Month. Read More

Despite exhaustion, limited resources, and harsh working conditions, their thoughts occupied with the safety of their own loved ones, DSPR medical teams continue work in the most marginalized areas… Read More

The United Church writes to Prime Minister Trudeau: To defend and protect the sanctity of international law, Canada must implement an immediate, binding and comprehensive arms trade embargo on Israel Read More