Contemplative Gatherings 2022
These one-hour gatherings are an opportunity, in Presence, to discern and listen, to rest and receive. This coming together gives us a chance to find our grounding and to renew our sense of common belonging. Please note that there is a limit of 21 persons per session.
February Gathering: Wednesday, February 23, 2022
“Pausing at the Threshold”
10:00 AM or 1:00 PM (SK Time Zone)

Upcoming Gatherings:
Please mark your calendar for Contemplative Gatherings on March 23rd.

For more Info: Contact Janet Clarke at

Regular Contemplative Gatherings are offered through a collaboration between St. Andrew’s College and the Committee on Ministry Personnel Support of the Livings Skies Region (UCC). The facilitation team for the Gatherings includes Janet Clarke, Jane Doull, Rick McCorrister, Brian Walton.