We Ride At Dawn!
How to Journey with your congregation to grow generosity, deepen gratitude and build community.
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022
7pm (Online Zoom presentation)
We Ride At Dawn! How to Journey with your congregation to grow generosity, deepen gratitude and build community.
It is 2022 and there are apps, tips, tools and tricks for nearly everything. Stewardship, however, is about building relationships. About practicing our faith as a community (even when we aren’t physically together). It is about how we see ourselves, and how we experience and share the life-shaping value of our communities of faith.
Is our congregation made up of consumers or disciples? Do we share ourselves with our community of faith with a grateful heart or a grudge? Do we feel good about inviting people to be generous or uncomfortable talking about money? Perhaps we are all these things at different times…
Stewardship is a journey. Spend some time with friends all along the path. Vicki Nelson, the Stewardship Animator for Western Canada, will help get our compasses all pointed in the same direction as we gain skills and confidence in talking about faithful generosity. Plus, she may even share some tips and tricks…it is 2022 after all.
Vicki Nelson is a member of the United Church Philanthropy Team, serves in the role of Stewardship Animator for Western Canada. She works closely with Communities of Faith on congregational giving programs and stewardship education.
Register: https://form.jotform.com/220185458955263
Questions?: contact Kent at KMohn@united-church.ca 306-221-5529.
Practically Prophetic” is a webinar series focused on tools & tips for our UCC ministry together. Think of it as Com-Ed (Community Education) for all: speakers, presentations, and panel discussions related to just about anything & everything in the vibrant faith-life of the church. Practically Prophetic is a cool collaboration of Living Skies Region Faith Formation (UCC), St. Andrew’s College, and the Centre for Christian Studies.