To assist in your discernment and respond to any questions, our last Q&A Zoom gathering before the summer break will be offered on Wednesday, June 17,@ 6:30 pm. Here is the connection information: Meeting link:
(Do not post this link on social media or your congregational website, please. Share it by email.)
Toll-free 1-855-703-8985
Meeting ID: 972 9257 9140
Please encourage someone from your community of faith to join staff as we discern together, especially if you were unable to join us last week.
Please note that if you join the call, we will be asking you to make sure your Zoom name is correct and to re-name yourself while on the call if not. We will walk you through this, or if you prefer to learn ahead of time, here’s a link. Using your correct name helps us know who is actually on the call, and which communities of faith are and are not present.