“We know that all things work together for good for those who love
God, who are called according to God’s purpose.” Romans 8:28

Plan now to make a gift in the future for the work of the church, such as a bequest in your will or gift of life insurance, lays the foundation for a stable and exciting future for the church. Here in Saskatchewan, legacy gifts designated through the former presbyteries and Conference have helped support vital work with youth, chaplaincies, and more. Click here to have a look at Living Skies’ summary of current grants.

For more information, please visit The United Church of Canada website: https://www.united-church.ca/community-faith/get-involved/give-legacy

For information about The United Church of Canada Foundation, please visit: https://www.unitedchurchfoundation.ca/

For donations to the Mission & Service Fund, please visit:



Vicki Nelson is the Community of Faith Stewardship Support Staff for Western Canada.  Please see the Staff Directory page for her information and bio.

Tools for Offering & Donations

Canada Helps offers a fairly straight-forward process for setting up a “Donate Now” button on your community of faith website to facilitate online charitable giving:
CanadaHelps – What Every United Church Needs to Know -Mar-2020

Pre-Authorized Remittance allows congregation members to financially support the work of the church through automatic monthly withdrawals.  No need to remember cheques anymore!
PAR Authorization in PDF