Truth & Reconciliation

Right relations, truth-telling, and reconciliation

As Living Skies Regional Council continues to live into a major restructuring, we are still working on how we will honour our commitments and responsibilities as Treaty People living on Indigenous and treaty lands in Saskatchewan. Please scroll down for news on events, resources, and action opportunities.

A medicine wheel cloth, with a candle in the centre and stones placed on the cloth.

Honouring the Medicine Wheel at a national United Church Indigenous gathering.

Local work towards truth telling and right relationship continues, and includes:
Blanket Exercises; work with Office of the Treaty Commissioner; showing up for and supporting solidarity actions and advocacy with government when asked; support for restorative justice; video and book groups to spark further learning and education in our communities of faith; listening and learning circles with Indigenous leadership; work on naming, understanding, and challenging racism and  White privilege.

The Regional work and its relationships are still in discernment. It will be rooted in the good work of the former All My Relations Network of SK Conference, and in conversations with the Indigenous church and other Indigenous partners, and non Indigenous people who want to be on the journey to right relationship and justice . Below is further information on some of the commitments and resources that will continue to guide and shape our journey.

Commitments of the former All My Relations Network of Saskatchewan Conference

As an open, diverse and evolving community living into friendship, justice and reconciliation, we strive to acknowledge and overcome the separation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, and to deepen our relations with all creation by:

being together in circles of respect, friendship and prayer
sharing stories
learning our shared history
challenging and encouraging people to support and create local initiatives for justice and good relations
moving forward in a good way.

News and events

Regional Council Meeting 2024

The 2024 Living Skies Regional Gathering will be held 13-15 June 2024 at the Saskatoon Travelodge hotel and conference centre. Sunday June 16 our service of praise will be held at Knox United Church, Saskatoon. See all details under Governance/ Regional Gathering.

United Church News

The United Church of Canada and The Presbyterian Church in Canada are partnering to bring inspiring worship, amazing speakers, engaging workshops, and experiential activities to youth, young adults,… Read More

Far too many people have been killed in the Philippines. Show your solidarity by joining an interfaith call for peace. Read More

In her National Indigenous Peoples Day message, Moderator Carmen Lansdowne reminds us that we can all take specific actions to celebrate or recognize this day and National Indigenous Peoples Month. Read More

Despite exhaustion, limited resources, and harsh working conditions, their thoughts occupied with the safety of their own loved ones, DSPR medical teams continue work in the most marginalized areas… Read More

The United Church writes to Prime Minister Trudeau: To defend and protect the sanctity of international law, Canada must implement an immediate, binding and comprehensive arms trade embargo on Israel Read More