

Growing justice for Palestinian farmers this harvest season

Autumn: the time of harvest and food-gathering, especially in Saskatchewan. Autumn reminds us of abundance and the sacredness of life, the “Circle of God”, to quote a popular hymn. The autumn season invites us in multiple ways to reflect on creation, land, and food, here in Saskatchewan and around the world.

This year, we are thinking especially of Palestinians, whose livelihood and culture are deeply entwined with harvesting creation’s fruits. The fall olive harvest, which has sustained Palestinian farmers for millennia, is undermined by what the International Court of Justice deems Israel’s “illegal occupation” of their land. In Gaza, aid agencies describe famine and the diseases of malnutrition, while the olive harvest is a distant dream. Autumn brings us an abundance of gifts, and an abundance of care – for creation, for all who suffer.

To help us commemorate this autumn season we have developed, in collaboration with Mennonites in Saskatchewan, an “Olive Harvest Program” that will unfold during October 2024. As part of our faithful witness, solidarity, and gospel longing for justice and peace, we will offer opportunities to understand the culture and struggles faced by Palestinians, including the Christians of Palestine. Films, worship, speakers, and conversation, in person and online, will all be offered. Many are listed further down this page. We hope you will tap into these resources with us! Please watch this page, and use it as your home base.

When and how

We’ll be offering events and resources throughout, and we’ll promote those here, through the Regional newsletter, our Regional events calendar, and on the Regional Facebook group.

Some significant days: In September we’ll prepare for our October focus, and there are two liturgical spaces that can help us. Many churches we will commemorate the Season of Creation September 8-29), which invites us to hope and act with creation. See this site for more details. Around the world, September also brings us the “World Week for Peace in Palestine/Israel,” September. 16-22. The United Church offers resources for worship, education, and reflection during this week.

October harvest focus:  faith and food intertwine on World Communion Sunday October 6, and Thanksgiving Sunday (Oct. 13th). We offer you a communion liturgy focused on olive oil for worship- see below.

Three days later the United Nations brings us World Food Day October 16, which always includes a focus on those starving due to human actions and natural disasters.


Click here (soon!) for an overall resource list. These resources and the entire project are offered by a group of Mennonites and United Church people in the treaty lands of Saskatchewan, with allies further afield. United Church people: please see this decision taken by our 2024 Living Skies regional meeting to further understand the policy basis for our work.


A poster for all four hybrid events planned: coming soon. See also our Regional events calendar, which will be updated throughout with details on the October 1, 6, 15, and 29th events.

For worship

Olive oil communion liturgy: coming very soon!
Prayer collection compiled by Rev Ursula Wiig: PDF format; and Word format.


Thank you to Ursula Wiig for an excellent list of films on Palestine and Israel (coming soon). At the time of writing, these films were accessible online and for a reasonable price or no charge. We invite you to plan for in-person showings in your area, and to work with your local school or library where possible; they may be able to source DVDs if your area has low connectivity, and they’d make excellent film partners.

A wide shot of a Palestinian olive grove under blue skies.