Joining God’s Mission
Through our generosity, we join God’s life-changing mission to make ourselves, our community and our world more peaceful, just, and loving for everyone. The national Philanthropy team is here to help your community of faith grow in generosity and make even more of a difference.
Do you want to know how your faith community can effectively increase giving? Do you want to learn more about how you can help transform & save lives through Mission & Service or how your generosity can leave a lasting legacy? Our team is here to help! Contact: Vicki Nelson, Western Canada coordinator, at vnelson@united-church.ca
Get all the latest tips to help your congregation grow in generosity: Subscribe to our free e-newsletter God’s Mission-Our Gifts. And read on below for stewardship overviews.
Mission & Service
United Church people across the country join together to share what we can. We support people and places in need as well as our shared ministry through our Mission and Service. Each and every day, we help save and transform lives, inspire meaning and purpose and build a better world through our Mission & Service.
See for yourself why your generosity through Mission & Service matters.
Learn about Mission & Service and check out the latest news about how your gifts through Mission & Service are making an amazing difference.
Get all the latest Mission & Service stories and videos. Subscribe to our free e-newsletter God’s Mission-Our Gifts.
Use Minute for Mission resources in your community of faith, to help show just how our gifts are used around the world.
Like Mission & Service on Facebook and share the good news of what our generosity is doing in your networks.
Make a gift to Mission & Service today! Remember that planned gifts are another important way of supporting Mission and Service over the long term. Making a bequest or endowment to the church in your Will is a meaningful and powerful way to support the future of the mission and ministries you hold dear. For further information about planned giving, please visit this page, or email legacy@united-church.ca.
Supporting Communities of Faith
Called to Be the Church: The Journey is our United Church stewardship resource that will help your faith community become even more generous and make a bigger difference. Click here for an overview.
Module 1: Stewardship Best Practices. Through four 2-hour classes you will learn to claim your mission, cultivate generosity, create a culture of gratitude, and grow discipleship. Module 1 includes a customised Stewardship Analysis report and ongoing support to help you plan and implement your next steps on the stewardship journey.
Module 2: The Giving Program. Beginning with two 2-hour classes using the Called to Be the Church congregational giving program, module 2 guides your giving team to get ready for your annual giving program. Ongoing coaching during your 5-week giving program supports your team to inspire people about your community of faith’s mission, invite people to join that mission by generously sharing their resources, and thank them for their generosity.
The Called to Be the Church congregational giving program is also available separately, in print and online, for you to use on your own. Always free. Always fresh.