Please read this page carefully, because there are a number of grants available to assist your ministry, and a wide variety of groups you can apply to. Some are national, some Regional, and some are special projects available for a shorter period.
For grants administered by Living Skies Regional Council itself: where this is noted, you will be working through the Grants Committee, a dedicated group of volunteers who receive and review applications. Please make their work easier by ensuring that your application includes all of the required information.
And now, please read on. Below you’ll find information and form links for: Shared national/ regional grants; Living Skies grants; and various National grants.
Mission and Service Grants
These grants come from a national pool, supported by all the people of the United Church through Mission and Service (thank you!) Applications are submitted to the Regional Council Grants Committee, and decided on by the Grants Committee and the Regional Council Executive.
Date: One intake per year, due 31 August every year. Send your completed application to
The form is available on the national website, under “Grant Applications”.
Please ensure your application is complete and all required information is sent with the application, or your application will not be considered. See Section E of the grant application form for the complete list.
National grants
Prepare to do some research and discerning! The United Church has many grants available, and they cover a very wide range of needs and possibilities. There are two main granting bodies:
The United Church of Canada (Scroll down this page to “Grant Applications.)
and the United Church Foundation. The United Church Foundation covers a much wider range of grants. Click here for an overview. Also available at this link is a downloadable PDF summary of grants.
Capital assistance grants: These include technology grants, church and manse modernization grants, loans and grants for camps, and capital loans. Click here for information. These are not administered by the Regional Council.
Living Skies Regional Council Grants
These are bequests generously given to the Regional Council by individuals, congregations, or the former presbyteries and Conference. Each is designated for a specific purpose. Please read carefully!
Questions? Email
Bursaries for ministry students
UCW Bursary Fund brochure
UCW Bursary Fund Application
Continuing Education for lay people and ministry personnel
Living Skies Continuing Education Funding Form & Criteria
Green Initiatives
Funded by a bequest from Ethel Moats. Apply here.
- This fund covers projects which have positive environmental impact (eg efficiencies in heating/water/power, waste reduction like composting and gardening.)
- Please note: For 2022 and possibly later, please explore the Faithful Footprints national grant first, before applying to Green Initiatives. Faithful Footprints is a time limited United Church-funded initiative, has a national network, and staff who can support your ministry in discerning what works best for your ministry. Give it a try here. If your application isn’t eligible or successful, then submit a Green Initiatives application through the Living Skies form.
- Deadline: None. Applications are accepted at any time through the Living Skies form.
Ina Grafton Gage Fund
Funds received from Ina Grafton Gage Bequest given to Chinook Presbytery and forwarded to the Region as part of restructuring. United Church Communities of Faith or Ministries of the United Church in Saskatchewan may apply. Apply here.
- The ministry must address spiritual, intellectual and/or physical needs of seniors
- The program should a) reach out to the wider seniors’ community or b) offer ministry to those who have been cut off from church or community
- Grants of $500 – $5000 per applicant. $15,000 maximum total grant pool available annually.
- Deadline: None. Applications are accepted at any time through the Living Skies form.
Meewasin Valley United Church Outreach Fund
Funds received from closure of Meewasin Valley United Church for Outreach and Social Justice programs/ministry in Saskatchewan. United Church Communities of Faith or Ministries of the United Church in Saskatchewan may apply. Apply here.
- Grants from $500 – $5,000 per applicant. Maximum $10,000 available annually.
- The program or project should address social justice concerns in the community or the province of SK.
- Deadline: None. Applications are accepted at any time through the Living Skies form.
Hugh and Selma McKay Fund
These are funds received by Good Spirit Presbytery from the sale of Camp McKay and forwarded to the Region as part of the restructuring. Interest from this fund will be transferred annually to the Living Skies Youth Leadership Fund. For more information about grants in support of youth & young adult ministry, please see our Youth Ministry Resources page under “Grants and Funding”.