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Quick and Amazing Faith Formation Resource Roundup 2024 – Click HERE

Curriculum & VBS

Sunday School & Church School (multiple age categories)

           United Church of Canada’s The GO Project: https://thegoproject.ca/

United Church of Canada’s “I am a Changemaker” available at UCRD

Season of Creation (Uniting Church of Australia): www.seasonofcreation.com

Illustrated Ministry: www.illustratedministry.com

Sparkhouse: www.wearesparkhouse.org

           Shine Curriculum: https://shinecurriculum.com/

Messy Church: www.messychurch.ca


Youth Group Curriculum

“Echo the Story” & “re:form” from Sparkhouse Publishing www.wearesparkhouse.org/store/category/286820/Youth

“Jesus 24/7: A Short Course in Christian Faith for the Questing Youth” by David Bruce https://ucrdstore.ca/search?type=product&q=david+bruce

Holy Troublemakers and Unconventional Saints by Daneen Akers


Vacation Bible School

             Practical Resources for Churches (PRC) Tips & Programs for VBS

            The Go Project has a VBS curriculum

Illustrated Ministry has released several years of “Compassion Camp”

Sparkhouse has a variety of VBS options for small budgets

United Church of Christ has several VBS packages with international themes

VBS Pro is a website that allows you to set up online registration for kids and volunteers


Feeling kinda overwhelmed?  Here’s a helpful Curriculum Evaluation Tool (pdf – UCC)

Facebook Group: First Third Ministry Association of the United Church of Canada

Confirmation & Faith Study


 United Church of Canada’s The GO Project Confirmation Curriculum

“Making Disciples Confirmation Series” by William H. Willimon 

“Jesus 24/7: A Short Course in Christian Faith for the Questing Youth” by David Bruce https://ucrdstore.ca/search?type=product&q=david+bruce

“Leap in Faith: A Confirmation Resource” ed. Leslee Alfano, Noelle Bowles, Rick Garland https://ucrdstore.ca/collections/books/products/leap-in-faith-a-confirmation-resource

“Faith Formation in a Secular Age: Responding to the Church’s Obsession with Youthfulness” by Andrew Root


Faith Study
Sparkhouse Publishing has a number of great curricula for different ages: https://www.wearesparkhouse.org/

Children's Time & Story-Telling

Storytelling Methods & Ideas

Storybook Ministry: Jessica Wolff curates a lectionary of children’s literature for Worship Leaders & Sunday School Teachers, with recommendations for great books that will supplement that week’s scripture.

Godly Play: an innovative method of faith formation.  Experience faith-building stories through intentional storytelling and imaginative wondering.

Worshiping With Children Blog: Ideas for including children in the congregation’s worship, using the Revised Common Lectionary

Flame – Creative Children’s Ministry Blog: Hands-on activities & resources to incorporate art into Children’s Ministry

“Children’s Spirituality (What it is and why it matters)” by Rebecca Nye.  An introduction to children’s spirituality, mixing theory with tips on best practices.


Intergenerational Programs

Mid-Week Programs

Messy Church: equips churches to minister to families for whom traditional Sunday worship is no longer a viable option

Ideas Hub: Free ideas for Sunday and midweek groups and all-age services

Duty of Care Standards
Available from the Library at St. Andrew's College

St. Andrew’s College Library is developing an excellent resource centre for Faith Formation materials.  It’s a work-in-progress, but all materials from the Saskatoon Theological Union libraries are available to the public.

Just to provide a bit of taste in the meantime though, Katelyn (St. A’s Library Technician) has provided links to the following catalogue lists:

Children’s Ministry: https://saskatoon.mlasolutions.com/m5/cat_data/bibliographies/71-4-232-44-235-patron-stand/childrens%20ministry.html

Youth Ministry:  https://saskatoon.mlasolutions.com/m5/cat_data/bibliographies/71-4-232-44-235-patron-stand/youth%20ministry.html

Remember to also check out UCRD: United Church Bookstore