The Living Skies Regional Council Executive will be made up of 8 elected members, the elected Chair of the Executive and the Regional Treasurer. The Executive will be nominated through the nominations process. The regional council staff and Convenor of the Regional Gathering will be a corresponding members.
The executive will meet four to six times a year through face to face or electronic meetings. Emergency meetings may be called by the chair.
Chairperson: Darrell Reine
Treasurer: Dale Worrall
Member: Piotr Strzelecki
Member: Deborah Springer
Member: Doug Haroldson
Member: Deborah Smith
Member: David Mugadzi
Member: Amelia Takau
Member: VACANT
Member: VACANT
Executive Minister: Shannon McCarthy
Executive Assistant: Chantal Winslow

- To implement decisions taken by the regional council
- To deal with unfinished business from the regional council
- Deal with all routine and emergent work of the regional council between regional council gatherings;
- To establish a budget based on the budget priorities determined by the regional council meeting,
- To oversee the work of committees, task groups and other bodies establish by the regional council,
- To receive regular reports from commissions,
- To appoint members to commissions, committees, task groups and other bodies to fill vacancies or new positions established between regional gatherings on the recommendation of the nominations committee
- To establish and set the responsibilities for a sub-executive, if needed,