These opportunities are current as of January 25 2022
We are currently looking for people for the opportunities listed below. We invite you to consider whether you might feel called to some of this work within the wider church. We also invite you to consider whether you might know others who would be a good fit for one of these roles, and encourage you to share this information with them. We hope some of the many, diverse opportunities listed here will spark your interest in serving the wider church!
You can also share a Nominations PowerPoint slide in worship or your announcements, to help us reach new people. Click here for a square slide, and click here for a landscape format slide. (These will download automatically).
If you are interested in further information about these opportunities, you are welcome to contact the Nominations Committee anytime at: or to phone Susan Reed, Nominations Convenor, at 306-482-3932 (after early April; before then, please email only or call the office.)
If you would like to put your name forward for consideration for one of these roles, please click here for the private Nominations form. Thank you! You can also help others discern whether they’re interested; please refer them to this post, and to the Nominations committee.
And now, details on each opportunity follow.
![Two kids on a strong and can phone, with the words "are you called? Your gifts are needed! Living Skies Regional Council."]()
Justice Committee
Six to eight people. This is a new committee, created following a proposal passed at the annual meeting. Click here to see the terms and mandate of the committee and membership.
The Regional Council Executive
two more members (3-year terms). Among other tasks, the Executive implements decisions taken by the Regional Council, deals with unfinished business from the Regional Council, establishes a budget for the Regional Council, oversees the work of committees, task groups, and other bodies established by the Regional Council, receives regular reports from commissions, and more. One of these positions is open now, and one will be open November 1st.
The Regional Meeting Planning Committee
One more member *to chair* (3-year term). This committee plans all aspects of the Regional Council gathering, including local arrangements, registration, budget, guests, communications, theme, music, recognition of retirees, and worship including the Service of Praise. One of these positions is open now, and one will be open in June. We are needing a chairperson for this committee.
Convenor of the Regional Gathering
One person (1-year term).This person will preside at the Regional Gathering and represent the Region within its geographic bounds. This person will also become a member of the Regional Gathering Planning Committee, and will become a corresponding member of the Living Skies Regional Council Executive.
Property Commission
One more member (3-year term). This Commission oversees and makes decisions on various property-related matters in our Region. This Commission meets primarily electronically or by telephone, and sometimes needs to meet on short notice.
Nominations Committee
Three more members (3-year terms). This committee gathers a slate of nominations for the officers of the Regional Council and its executive, commissions, committees, task groups, steering committees, or teams. It also provides nominations for unexpected vacancies or new positions which occur during the year.
Committee on Ministry Personnel Leadership Support
Two more members. The focus of this committee is to “encourage and support Ministry Personnel toward health, joy and excellence in ministry practise.” These positions are three-year terms.
Committee on Community of Faith Support
One more member (3-year term). The focus of this committee is to support Communities of Faith in their life and work. Experience with current pastoral oversight process or sexual misconduct prevention and response is an asset.
Rural Pastoral Care Process Task Group
One more member – *needs to be a lay person*. This group will explore and recommend a process or plan for addressing the issue of pastoral care needs and coverage in rural areas where congregations have closed and/or the ministry personnel available are scarce or stretched.
Pastoral Relations Liaisons
We are working with the Pastoral Relations Commission to help find folks from across our Regional Council to serve as Pastoral Relations Liaisons. The liaisons are a bridge between communities of faith and the Regional Council, touching base with a community of faith or ministry personnel in times such as discussions about the pastoral relationship, changes in pastoral relations, creating a community of faith profile, or throughout the search process. Support is provided by the Pastoral Relations Minister and Pastoral Relations Commission.