Treaty map of SK, courtesy of the Office of the Treaty Commissioner.
Saskatchewan is entirely Treaty territory, and we are all Treaty People, with all the rights and responsibilities these living covenants bring. Living Skies Regional Council shares the boundaries of these territories with five Indigenous communities of faith, which include Saulteaux, Cree, and Dakota First Nations, as well as an urban ministry that serves people from all Nations.
All of these Communities of Faith will discern over time how they will relate to the United Church, the Indigenous Ministries Council, and the Regional Council. This is a deeply important part of their right to self-determination and naming, and the process will take time and prayer. As a Regional Council, we commit to respecting the choices made, and to working towards being in good relationship with our relatives. We will be part of creating space in which we can share together in speaking, listening, and truth-telling, as well as food and song. Our right relations work, and commitments to the TRC Calls to Action will also reflect these relationships as much as possible.
Indigenous Communities of Faith
Carry the Kettle United Church
Dakota Whitecap United Church
Regina Native Outreach Ministry
Wanapakew United Church
White Bear United Church
Charlene Burns is the Community Capacity Development Coordinator for BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. Please see the staff contact page for her information and bio.
More about the Indigenous church
Leadership, and information about funding
Caretakers’ Calls to the Church